POST D - My favourite Subject at School

When I went to the schools my favourites subjects were four, Art, Philosophy, History and Biology, I like them because let to me express my more deep interest, for example in Biology I could find answers to the Human condition, like how we do certain things, our behavior hide primitive reasons behind a screen of civilization. In History I could research about the dark and sad history of this country, particularly in my School we past this deporable period with very conscious way, this was important to me because my grandfather was taken prisoner in the dictatorship. In Philosophy we could observe the different paradigms and the principal notions of our culture, and that was very important to understand because you can know why we do certain things like society, and why we have specific obsessions and issues.
Finally, my favourite subject was Art, and I had the opportunity to take this topic with a very serious view, because I have a very good professor called Dante, he was very intense and emphatic to show us the Art not like the capacity to make beautiful things, but like a way to criticize the authorities, the laws and the society behavior, In fact this subject was so serious that was my worst note in this two years with my professor, but let me very big lessons, about take the Art like a way to express our doubts and our feelings and denounce the issues thath affect us.
This subjects were so important to me that continuos being my interest, now (when I have time), I make drawings searching to develove all this topics, trying to mix in one work, my passions, my doubts and denounce the trouble that we made or we suffer.

I thing that we need more time to express us, and have conversations. We live in a ill society that do not leave time to meet us and discover our passions.
I am going to show you some of my last works. I try to show the difference and problems that have the women to come to the knowledge and get recognition in this society like thinking people.

Thanks for your attention my friends :)


  1. It very interesting the way that your art teacher taked the subject, I´ll liked if my teacher be like him :(

  2. I like to see how people express themselves into the arts, so I'm going to see your illustrations the next wednesday!

  3. My favourite subject was biology too, I found it so interesting haha good post xd


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