POST H - My future Job

I am not sure about my future, but I am sure that there are things that I do not going to stop doing, and this is my key to confront my future.

Things that I do not going to lose:

1) I am not going to stop to write and read, they are things that always help me to express myself and understand the troubles of other and my owns that sometimes there are the same, (certainly a lot of us are friends of issues or doubts), there are tools to understand me and approach my feelings and clarify my thoughts.

2) I am not going to stop draw, Since I have memory I take the paper like a instrument to communicate with others, when I was young I was very introvert and my personality was very shy, with the time I got confidence of myself, but I always have the draw to talk with others, and this is a thing that I can´t lose, also draw is a way to stimulate and connect with friends, strangers and my family.

3) I want to use the Architecture knowledge to confront with my Art interest, I know that it is not very defined the relation that have these two subjects, but they are in a constant conversation, when we look at the past we can find very deep conections between the both, for example in the movies "Metropoli", "Blade Runner", inclusive Star wars, there are reflected vision of the future cities, and like culture we are constantly developing imaginaries about what is going to be our world, and all of us have a important point of view to construct this intensions.

Jobs that can satisfy this decrees:

Academic Professor, Researcher, Painter or Illustrator, Classic Architect, Art Professor or Carpenter.
I like this jobs because I do not have to choose, because they are very interwoven, and I can develop any of them at the same time, and that find me peace because I am going to be happy meanwhile I can make these things I am going to feel that I am in the correct route.

Finally if I want to do wherever of this jobs I have to rise my works and my readings, because when you read more you know more about what you do, and when you do more, you increase your sensibility about technic and how the things that you do affect others.

I think is very important to find what we want to do, because that give us a sense on this life, when we work we do not seek get more money, we work because we need to make transformations in our lifes and the life of your more closes to you. For that it is very important know what we are, and what are our more deep issues and interest, because we only can do a difficult and hard work when we found sense in our labor.

Someone that I admire is Frederick Kiesler, because he was a person that soil his hands working in his deepest interest.
