Hi! Today I am going to talk about a recent event that happens here in FAU the last friday, and I had the oppotunity to participated and organized.

NODO was an initiative  from the different centers of students around all the metropolitan region, universities like UC, USS, UNAB, UM, USACH, UTEM among others, and obviously UCH. The idea was make gathered in one place all the students of Santiago, to know us better, know what we are doing, what are our problems like discipline and students, and problematizing our discipline and our actions like students, fot that we made differents group, each one with a different topic, like Urbanism and Socio-Natural disaster, Materiality, Projects with Public character among other many interest, in total was 12 simultaneous groups distributed along the faculty, talking and discussing different subjets with guests professors, Like Teodoro Fernandez, Alejandra Celedón, Victor Gubbins. The professors invited were of all the universities participants, but we also invited communities like "Hecho en casa" or a leader of the zone of sacrifice in Quinteros and Puchuncaví.

This encounter was very stimulanting because we could confront different points of view, and was very comfortable the proposals of the Fau Community. I think that there are a lot of things to make better, but is very good have this instances of reflection, and face the students from other universities and the population that we offer our knowledge, but also is very good to test our speeches, and confront that with others in a free conversation.


  1. the photograpies are great!, that cool that you have motivated to do this types of activities :)

    1. Thank you, will be very interest that more people could participate!


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