POST J - A great Chilean

Today I am goin to talk about a great Chilean, there are a lot of important member of our country but there are certain kind of people that made a deep work in the soul of this nation, I am talking about Violeta and Nicanor Parra, Jose Miguel Carrera, Gabriela Mistral, Francisco Bilbao, Salvador Allende, Roberto Matta among a very big list, but there are a man that represent the most beatiful politic period in this country, because his legacy was " to govern is to educate", and that was a big and deep change in the Chilean Society, because at the first time in a long time the education was the pillar of an government.

I am talking about "Pedro Aguirre Cerda".

He was a Chilean political member of the Radical Party, he was chosen as the Popular Front's candidate for the 1938 presidential election, and was triumphally elected with the 72.44 percent of votes. He governed Chile until his death in 1941. 
Meanwhile his goverment the state develope a lot of reforms to introduce people to education levels, and produce a educate social class responsible of the Industrial development. He also created thousands of new regular schools and encouraged the growth of the university system to cover the whole of the country. On the economic side, their goverment was victim of the devastating earthquake of 1939, for that, he created the Production Development Corporation (Corporación de Fomento de la Producción - CORFO) to encourage with subsidies and direct investments an ambitious program of import substitution industrialization. This was the basis for the industrialization of Chile. From there sprung the steel, manufacturing and sugar industries.

This is a little bit part of a big man.


  1. "to govern is to educate" is a great phrase but don't represent the actuall tendenses


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